Thursday, September 14, 2023

The Ongoing History of Global Warming

By: Alana Yang


Did you know that June of 2023 was announced as the hottest month 2023. Due to Climate Change, it is a possibility that 2023 will be ranked among the five warmest years on record. Click ‘Read more’ to learn more about climate change.

In 1956, climate change was discovered when rising temperatures in the tropical ocean were noticed and it was theorized that it was due to the increase of greenhouse gas and natural forces. This is caused by human activity involving burning fossils like coal, oil, and gas (to generate electricity for cars, planes, home etc), and converting land from forests to agriculture (raising livestock).

Burning fossil fuels generates greenhouse gas emissions, acting like a blanket and trapping the sun’s heat and rising temperatures. Agriculture leads to pesticides, fertilizers, marine ecosystems, and toxic chemicals that can poison fresh water.

The continuation of climate change leads to more frequent droughts, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, warming oceans causing more harm towards animals, and wreaking havoc on people’s livelihoods and communities. An estimate of about 83 million people will die by 2100 due to climate change, and one third of animals and plants on Earth will be extinct by 2500. Climate change does not only affect our ecosystem but everyone and everything as a whole, including humans, animals, plants, and overall Earth. 

Climate change can get better by 2030 if humans save electricity by changing the source of energy for homes and transportation. Walking, biking, switching to electric vehicles, reducing, recycling, reusing and repairing, can all help reduce emissions. Although some of those options may take time to develop and to be more effective, all it takes is determination to live in a more healthy environment for not just one person, but for everyone and everything on Earth. Will you take this initiative? Let me know in the comments below.

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